All infosec courses on uLearn belong in one of three difficulty levels: beginner, intermediate or advanced.
Beginner courses introduce end-users to essential cyber security concepts, such as phishing, password security and safe use of social media.
Intermediate courses add more background information and provide more advanced ways to counteract cyber threats.
Advanced courses introduce end-users to more advanced concepts like security of online payment and the Dark Web, as well as providing more comprehensive guidance and information on previous topics such as phishing.
Course levels after gap analysis
After users undertake gap analysis, their learning experience is automatically customised based on their results. This means that they will first receive beginner-difficulty modules on topics that they performed least well at, before continuing through the rest of the beginner difficulty-modules.
A user will not be automatically sent intermediate or advanced courses until they have completed all the beginner courses. Gap analysis performance will only affect the order of beginner-difficulty courses.