There are many ways in which you might want your policies to be signed, whether you want them to be sent out automatically to new members of staff or whether you want all your users to re-sign them yearly.
The Signature Settings allow you to choose how your policies will be automatically sent out for signing and re-signing.
On the View Policies page, the Signature Type for each policy will be listed.
How to set a Signature Type for a policy
1. Find the policy on the View Policies page. From the action button next to the policy, click Edit Policy.
2. Find the Signature Settings tab.
3. Select the Signature Type you wish from the drop-down. The pane on the right shows you the settings contained within each Signature Type to make it easier for you to choose.
For Signature Types that are sent out automatically, you also have the option to select which user groups you want the policy to be sent to in the Included Groups field.
4. Click the Update Policy button to save your settings!
How to set the default Signature Type
The Default Signature Settings allow you to choose which Signature Type is enabled for new policies by default.
You can set the default Signature Type in your platform settings.
1. Click Settings under the settings cog on the top right, next to your name.
2. Click Default Signature Settings under uPolicy on the left-side menu.
3. Select the Signature Type you wish to enable by default from the drop-down menu.
4. Click the Save button to save your settings!