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How we keep your data secure

Find out how our processes and security measures ensure the security of your data on the usecure app.

Micke Ahola avatar
Written by Micke Ahola
Updated over a week ago

Our top priority is to help keep your organisation and its data secure.

There would be no use in us training your end users about data security if we didn't take the utmost care to protect your data ourselves.

What data do you collect and store?
The data we collect and store includes:

  • The data you upload to the app (such as names and email addresses)

  • User data generated through the use of the app (such as course completion statistics, phishing simulation statistics, policy signing 

What do you use my data for?
We only use your data to enable us to deliver our products, services and reporting to you. We do not sell data, or market to or contact your end users.

How do you ensure the security of my data?
All data is encrypted both in transit and at rest. It is stored on secure servers located within the EU.

Who can access my data?
The usecure app is divided into separate instances for each customer account to ensure data privacy. The only people who can access your data are:

  • Team members you add to your app

  • usecure team members, but only under limited conditions

How can I delete my data?
You can make a data deletion request to us at any time through the messenger or over email. 

Are you GDPR compliant?
We are fully compliant with GDPR according to our self-assessment. We have a third-party Data Protection Officer on our board to ensure the rigidity of our data protection processes.

Where can I find more information?

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