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How often are uLearn courses updated?
How often are uLearn courses updated?

Find out about the review and update process for uLearn courses.

Micke Ahola avatar
Written by Micke Ahola
Updated over a week ago

It's important that the learning content delivered to your end users is up-to-date with the latest guidelines.

We regularly review our content to ensure it is up to date with the newest cyber security best practice from the National Cyber Security Centre, as well as territory-specific guidelines for translated courses and any regulatory changes around compliance subjects.

In addition, we are constantly improving our course content to ensure it is accessible to end users with user-friendly language and up-to-date scenarios that end users may actually encounter in their work day. You won't find any questions on floppy disks!

How often are uLearn courses reviewed?

  • All courses go through a quarterly review

  • Courses are updated with latest cyber security best practice and compliance recommendations

  • Scenarios and advice are updated to ensure courses are up to date with the technologies and tools used by end users in their work

  • New courses are regularly added on current and relevant topics

  • New video and compliance modules are added every month

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