Can admins be enrolled on Gap Analysis before end users?
Why hasn't a user been sent training, even though Auto Enrol is enabled?
How do I know which users have finished Gap Analysis?
When will new users receive Gap Analysis?
Can I change the font or typeface in Course Builder?
Does Auto Enrol account for a manual gap analysis when enabled?
How often are uLearn courses updated?
How to unenrol multiple users from a course
Why we recommend the random words technique in our password advice
User says they answered all questions correctly, but got less than 100%
How do I turn on Course Slide Delay?
What do the uLearn grades mean?
Can I download course content?
How do I unenrol a user from a course?
How do I enrol users on courses?
How do I send course reminder emails?
How do I send a course reminder to an individual user?
How do I change the minimum pass score?
How do I configure email subject lines?
How to disable Auto Enrol
How do I send users a reminder to do their Gap Analysis questionnaire?
How to send out Gap Analysis without enabling Auto Enrol