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How to configure your platform settings

Learn how to adjust your branding, course schedules, email titles and more in your platform settings.

Micke Ahola avatar
Written by Micke Ahola
Updated over 9 months ago

You can adjust many parts of the usecure platform to ensure it matches the needs of your company.

Find the platform settings by clicking Settings in the drop down below the gear icon in the usecure menu bar.

In the platform settings, you can configure:

Preferred Domain

This setting allows you to configure which domain the platform defaults to for your application.

This setting will configure:

  • The domain that all platform emails are sent from by default (including course subscriptions, weekly summaries etc.)

  • The domain that courses will be presented on

  • The domain that the admin panel will be presented on

Currently, you can choose between and, but we are looking at adding more options to these in the near future.

Email settings

The email settings allow you to configure the emails sent to your organisation and end users by the usecure platform.

Theme settings

The theme settings allow you to upload your logo, as well as change the primary colours of the platform to fit your company's branding.

Language settings

In the language settings you can configure the language used on your platform, as well as the default language for courses and for content such as phishing simulations.

  • Preferred Language - This settings configures what language the platform is shown into admins by default. It also provides a fallback language for user course language if one has not been set by the user or cannot be detected.

  • Preferred Content Language - This is the language in which content such as phishing templates will be shown by default in the uPhish Template Library.

uLearn settings

The uLearn settings allows you to adjust how uLearn courses are sent out to your users, as well as features like minimum pass score. 

uPhish settings

The uPhish settings allow you to set time slots to ensure your simulated phishing emails arrive during the workday, and to customise the compromise message that end users who give up their details to simulated phishing emails will see.

uPolicy settings

The uPolicy pages in the platform settings allow you to configure a number of features within uPolicy.

  • Policy Reminder Emails - This page allows you to configure how often policy reminders are sent out by default, and also allows you to send a one-off reminder immediately.

  • External Policy Access - This page allows you to configure a link to allow a third-party to view your company's policies without logging in. This feature is normally used to allow auditors easy access to policies.

  • Default Signature Settings - These settings allow you to set a default policy signature type.

Weekly Summary

The Weekly Summary settings page allows you to send out summaries of user progress on the platform. These are normally sent out automatically every Friday, but this page allows you to send one immediately.

Report settings

The Report Settings allow you to customise how user activity and progress is reported.

  • Enable Risk Score - This setting toggles the availability of Risk Score on your platform.

  • Display each users email address in the Course Participation downloadable spreadsheet - Turning on this settings will add email addresses in addition to names to the exportable Course Participation spreadsheet.

  • Remove Inactive Users from all reports - Toggling this setting on will disable all users set to 'Inactive' from all reporting. Users can be set to 'Active' or 'Inactive' through the Users page.

Microsoft 365 settings

The settings on this page allow you to configure your Microsoft 365 configuration.

User ID Access settings

This page allows you to find a link for User ID Access. Users that don't have an email address on the platform can access their courses by following this link and entering their User ID.

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